
Chiang Mai University-Faculty of Economics

Chiang Mai University-Faculty of Economics


Economics has been taught at Chiang Mai University since 1964, initially by the Economics Department of the Faculty of Social Sciences. On 28 August 1992, the faculty of Economics, known today as Chiang Mai School of Economics or CMSE, was officially established according to the Royal Thai Government s Development Plan for the Northern region and the objectives of Chiang Mai University in providing undergraduate and postgraduate education in regional areas, and to serve as a social center for advance research and academic services.


1) Focus on academic excellence in providing Higher Education to produce qualified graduates with good knowledge and morals based on His Majestys Phillosophy of Sufficient Economy.
2) Produce economic research papers in order to support teaching and to provide economic, social and environmental policy recommendations.
3) Provide academic services to the society and strengthen the community with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.
4) Promote and maintain the arts and cultures, preserve the environment and natural resources to sustain the identity for the local Northern Region.
5) Improve the administrative system and management in every aspect with Good Governance and promote self-sufficiency with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.