




出國交換的申請資格、時程、流程、費用等相關規定,請查閱 出國交換申請須知


  • 可申請至3個校區交換: Antwerp, Brussels and Leuven申請時務必填寫欲前往交換之校區
  • 各校區授課特色請參考以下說明,課程表按此查詢

The course offer in the different campuses differs, so it is important to check this varied course offer on our course webpage before choosing a campus for exchange. You can choose up to maximum 6 credits from another campus. This offer of taking 1 course at another campus is new as from this academic year.

Also the location or character of the different cities opens up prospects. Antwerp, Brussels and Leuven are rather near (for example by train it takes 20’ from Brussels to Leuven). So students can also decide to live in one city and commute to the other city.


  • Campus Antwerp has some interesting Business courses with a focus on the Harbor logistics (but of course there also other courses). Antwerp and its harbor is both cultural and from a business perspective unique.
  • Campus Brussels has a strong focus on Business and Management (both Bachelor and Master entirely in English with additional minors). Brussels also stands for the image of a world city (unofficial capital of the EU, headquarters of Nato, etc.)
  • For Brussels & Antwerp, the courses have a more hands-on approach, with slightly less focus on quantitative skills but more on business and management.
  • Campus Leuven has a smaller offer on the Bachelor level but it has a large offer for the Master with many interesting courses in Economics. FEB courses in fields such as economics and finance tend to be very analytical. Bachelor students should be well versed in mathematics/statistics. Leuven is more a university town, comparable to Oxford or Cambridge, with the remains of the old colleges and where the city is defined by the students).